2023年5月25 蔣孫策千寺四臂伏魔金剛手火供

?Yesterday (25 May,2023 )Vajrapani fire puja at Jomsom Tsechen Kunga Choekhor Ling.
昨天 尊貴的 塔澤堪仁波切 在蔣孫策千寺主法的四臂伏魔金剛手火供情景。??

Day 3 of The Mustang Monlam Puja for world peace at Kagbini Monastery

?? Day 3 Mustang Monlam Puja for world peace at Kagbini Monastery.

#The 5th Mustang Monlam for world peace from 20th to 24th May, 2023.




The Day 2 of 5th Mustang Monlam for world peace from 20th to 24th May, 2023

Mustang Monlam Puja for world peace Day 2 at Kagbini Monastery.
#The 5th Mustang Monlam for world peace from 20th to 24th May, 2023.